15 Days Writing Challenge

January 27, 2021

Source: www.siinurul.com

Hello, I want to do the 15 Days Writing Challenge from siinurul. Thanks to this, for 15 days ahead, I think I have many topics to write on this blog. 🤣🤣 

For this challenge, I also try to write in English, same with Atie who done this in English too. 😁😁😁 Beside I challenge myself to writing in English, I also hope many friend outside Indonesia can come to this blog (Read: attract foreign people) 😝

I wish I finish this challenge well. Also encourage you to do this challenge too if you don't have any idea what to write. Psst, all credit goes to siinurul who created this!

Here is the content of this 15 Days Writing Challenge. You can click to jump to my post:

Ok, that's for today. Thank you for reading this and will be happy if you join this challenge too. ^^ 


  1. Cici, semangat untuk 15 days writing challenge-nya! You can do it 💪🏻

  2. tema temanya menarik

    ringan tapi 'dalam

    menuliskan sedikit siapa diri kita agaknya akan menjadi bensin semangat saat menuliskannya...terlebih akan dituliskan dalam bahasa inggris pula, yang semoga saja bisa menjaring teman pembaca di luar Indonesia hehe 😃

    1. Ayo ikutan kak Nita!!! 😆😆

      Iya aku coba nulis dalam Inggris, sekalian latihan writingku juga kak hehehe

  3. waaaaaa, interesting topics to share! Nggak sabar pingin baca tulisan-tulisan berikutnya, seriusaan itu topiknya menarik abis soalnya😄 Semangat mbak Friscaaa!😍💪🏻


    1. Yup, yup, siinurul have a good idea to create this challenge. Kamu ikutan juga dooonggg Awl hihihi 😁😁😁


  4. omg i am so looking forward to read it!! i finished mine and u stars yours! AMAZING ! AND THANKS FOR TAGGING ME:)

    1. Hehehe, it's cool to join this challenge hehe
      you're welcome Atie ^^

  5. Pas buka homepage ngeliat days 5 day 6 aku langsung jadi aku baca ini dulu wkwkwkw. Topik bahasannya juga menarik banget, sekalian bisa buat mereview diri sendiri juga, I have interest to join this challenge too. Anyway semangat nerusin challengenya kaaak.

    1. Ayok2 ikutan!! I excited too to read yours hehehe


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