Day 07 - Obsession - Hobby - Passion

February 04, 2021

Obsession (noun)

having or showing excessive or compulsive concern with something (

Talk about obsession, what is my obsession? Hmm.. Honestly I think I'm not obsess with anything. 😆😆 Someone said that anything that over is not good. So I try to stay in balance. Ceileh so iye banget ya. But if I need to answer about my obsession, I think my obsession is Studio Ghibli, especially Totoro.

Once again, I ask my hubby about his obsession. He stop a moment to think with his serious face and begin to answer "Want a new wife" and start smiling with his annoying smile. And again I quickly grab his neck and choke him again and laugh together. OMG!!! Why does he always want a new wife???? 😫😫😫 Is he not happy with me? *don't take this seriously*

Hobby (noun)

an activity that you do in your spare time for fun (

My hobby except writing my blog (yeah I shift my hobby to writing blog lately) are playing game. Either mobile game or board game or playing Duolingo 🤩 (yup playing Duolingo because this apps kind like a game for me).

For mobile game, I like to play The Simpson Tapped Out (I play this game since college) and battle arena game (Arena of Valor, Marvel Super War, Mobile Legend). I used to play RPG games in high school (Luna, Perfect World, Seal, Master of Fantasy), but right now this kind of game make me boring. FYI, I play Master of Fantasy in High School with my friends and my sis. Even my friend can earn some money from this game. But suddenly this game was closed for good. I kind of sad because this game was closed.

For board game, I play a lot of board game because my hubby kind of obsess with board games. He collect a lot of board games (or card game) like Bohnanza, Bang!, Saboteur, Splendor, Machikoro, Rising Sun, Scythe, Dead of Winter, and many more. He put his board games in two archive cupboards. Can you imagine how many board games that he have been collected? 🥺 I like to play a fun games like Machikoro and Carcassonne. But I also like strategic games like Rising Sun, Catan, Castle of Burgundy, Yokohama, and so on. I and my hubby often play board game with our college's friend. FYI, I and him were from same college and same major so my friends were also his friends. But during this pandemic, we cannot gather to play board games anymore. So we play board games when we go to my house in Karawang, play with my sis. Hehe. 😆

For Duolingo, I like to play Japanese course. Everyday I play Duolingo to protect my streak. LOL. I even buy Streak Freeze in case I forget to play Duolingo, so I protect my streak. Psst, right now I have 179 day streak and I'm in Diamond League. Kind of proud of myself. 😆😆😆

Passion (noun)

a strong feeling or emotion - a strong emotion, usually related to love or anger (

Hmm passion. This topic kind of "hits" or popular this days. People talk about to find a job according to your passion. How happy the life is to earn money from your passion. But is it true? Ah, I think I don't want to talk about this. 😅

Same with obsession. I feel like freeze for awhile if people ask me about my passion. "What is your passion? Do you like to work in this section?"

Once again, as a sanguine, I see work or something positively. I think there's always a good input for me and I can learn something from the work that has been given to me. But if I think deeply, I think my passion is ... Maybe you can answer it for me 🤪


  1. totoroooooo...i love totoro too
    n mei...she is so cute

    aku uda nonton berulang kali totoro dan sakseis mewek soalnya menyedihkan tapi happy ending oas tau ibuknya sembuh

    dan gambar friska yang totoro unyu banget...aku suka gambar yang kawai kawai gitu hehehe

    eh agak ngekek pas baca becaandaan si hubbie..untung cuma bcanda ya

    kalau game aku ga tau kenapa sering lelah kalau main game, mending aku gambar daripada main game, anaknya tukang kalah soalnya hahahhaha

    1. Wiih ada yang kecanduan nonton Totoro juga. Kakak iparku cekokin anaknya film Totoro dong terus sampai anak-anaknya ga bosen muter film Totoro teruuus hahaha

      Hihihi makasih kak Nita! Itu aku jepret pas lagi di toko Ghibli hehe Pengen rasanya kuboyong pulang semua, tapi dompet ntar boncos, jadinya difoto aja buat kenang-kenangan hihihi

      Iyaa ih kak Nita! Dia reseeek banget becandanyaa huft huft 😤😤😤

      hihihi memang kadang ada juga yang ga suka main games hihihi Soal gambar, uda pasti nih kak Nita hobbynya menggambar yak? heuehehe eh apa uda jadi passion bukan hobby doang? 😆😆

  2. its hard to clarified right ! hehehe but totoro is so cutee!!!

  3. Aaargh saya punya mbak boneka Totoro yang itu tapi nggak ada yang warna biru huhuhu..
    Saya suka main board game. Terakhir main Pandemic. Untuk game sendiri dulu mainnya yang bikin panik ngelawan zombi hahaha..Kayak hidup kurangstress aja...

    1. Eeeh ada yang suka Totoro juga hihihi emang ya sulit resist keunyuan si Totoro iniii hihih

      Wuiih mumpung lagi pandemi, mainnya juga Pandemic ya kak hehehehe
      Aaaah main Zombicide kah? Atau Dead of Winter juga lawannya Zombie...
      Aku kurang suka nih yang begini-begini
      Meski kooperatif mainnya, tapi bikin stress jugaa HAHAHA Main malah bikin stress yak.. Aku main Zombicide pertama kali itu sampai 5 jam ada kaliik. Dimulai jam 11 malam, selesai di jam 4an pagi... Gila bangeeett!!!

  4. Ngakak dengan becandaan suaminya, mba... :))
    Mungkin mba Frisca bisa berobsesi pada oppa atau ikemen? XD

    Eniwei, aku belum pernah nonton Tottoro, dong... :))
    Kalau anime dari Studio Ghibli kayaknya yang pernah kutonton baru A Grave of Fireflies sama Kiki's Delivery Service.

    I think your passion is grab your husband's neck and choke him XD

    1. Kesel deh dia becandanya gitu terooos hahaha :"(
      Wah itu dulu jaman SMA kak hihihi seneng banget liat oppa2, kalo sekarang uda ga terlalu laah hahaa

      wow wow wow, ayo-ayo ditonton, Totoro kan jadi maskotnya Studio Ghibli, jadi filmnya wajib ditonton! (teori macama apa ini 😆)

      Hahaha yeah I think so 😆😆


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