Day 04 - My Routine Before Go to Bed

February 01, 2021
Before I Sleep

I always check on my phone before I go to bed. I think nowadays people do this as their daily routine? 😂 Usually I check my Whatsapp is there any important message or not, check also my Insta to see my friends stories 😆 Oh, if I don’t finish my Duolingo course that day, I will play Duolingo until I reach my daily EXP. I must complete Duolingo course if I don’t want to loose streak. Yes, I’m a bit ambitious about this 😂 FYI, right now I have 176 day streak!!! 🔥🔥🔥Funny fact, I almost fell asleep when I play Duolingo 😂 But still I try to focus to study Japanese in Duolingo.

Another routine, I also watch series with hubby, but lately I didn’t do that. Exactly 1 week I’m not watching any series. The reason is because I play MOBA game on the phone and my hubby play game on his PC. 😂 

Sometimes, I fill on my habit tracker on my journal and check what habit that I missed today... hehe.

Finally, my final step is pray to God to have a good night and sweet dream. Pray for health and give thank to God to give me bless each days. Plus hope this pandemic will over soon. Lastly, I said お休みなさい (oyasuminasai/good night) to hubby.

What’s your?? I bet you also check your phone before go to sleep. 😉 


  1. i always lazy to do duolingo till the aps dont want to sent me the notification anymore hahahha

    1. hahahaha c'mon open the Duolingo again!! Hehehehe

    2. trying to fine a mood for it hahah

    3. Just 1 course a day
      In duolingo, there a quote about this
      15 minutes in Duolingo can teach you a new language, what social media can do?

      I feel like, yeah, true... 😂 so I stop wasting much time on social media 😆

  2. Sepertinya kebanyakan orang zaman now memang megang hp sebelum tidur 🤣. Aku juga sama, Ci~ biasanya baca buku lewat hp/buku fisik sih sebelum tidur, tapi paling sering pasti megang hp wkwkwk

    1. Hihihi
      Tebakanku benerrr kan 😂
      Megang hp buat cek cek sosmed bentar


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