Ichi Ni San

Ichi Ni San
Ichi Ni San
Ichi Ni San alias Satu Dua Tiga dalam bahasa Jepang. Ngapain nih aku nyebut-nyebut satu, dua, tiga? Bukan, aku bukan lagi jadi panitia lomba lari. Bukan juga lagi ngajarin keponakan hitung-hitungan. Tapi aku sedang menghitung satu-satu berkat yang kudapat di bulan yang kata orang bulan kasih sayang, Februari. Apa saja ya itu?? *BRB baca jurnal harian dulu


Tepat di tanggal 1 Februari 2021, aku terserang pilek. Dari pagi sudah bersin-bersin, hidung meler, kadang mampet juga. Super ga enak deh! Langsung saja aku minum Pabron Gold dan siang harinya juga minum Pabron Gold. Puji Tuhan malam harinya pilekku sudah pergi jauuh. Hus Hus. Pilek yang biasanya kadang jadi penyakit "sepele" sekarang ini kan jadi bikin takut karena takutnya kena Covid kan. Apalagi saat itu mama mertua dan koko ipar juga pilek. Wah kacau kan. Terlebih lagi, setelah Imlek, teman koko ipar positif Covid-19 dan koko ipar baru saja ketemu doi. Langsung kan tuk agak parno. Tapi puji Tuhan kami sekeluarga masih diberikan kesehatan hingga saat ini. Koko ipar yang awalnya isolasi mandiri karena takut membahayakan anggota keluarga lain pun sudah kembali ke rumah karena hasil tes PCR-nya negatif.

Kantor Virtual

Ichi Ni San
Kantor Virtual

Saat Town Hall bulanan, tercetuslah kalau butuh social room gitu sehabis kerja. Terutama untuk para karyawan yang ekstrovert melimpahkan cuap-cuapnya. Ide untuk Google Meet tiap sore pun muncul supaya bisa stress release kerjaan gitu dengan ngobrol-ngobrol sama temen-temen kantor. FYI, kantorku sudah menerapkan kebijakan work from home dari pertengahan Maret 2020. Jadi semua karyawan kantor tuh minim sekali interaksinya. Paling via WA atau kalau urgent langsung telpon dan ngajak meeting via Zoom ato Google Meet. Nah setelah beberapa hari menjalankan social room, pak CEO bilang kalau dia pernah lihat orang yang pakai 'kantor virtual' gitu. Setiap karyawan punya avatar masing-masing dan bisa duduk di meja kerja seolah-olah memang lagi kerja di kantor gitu.

Keesokan harinya, saat social room dimulai, pak CEO pun kasih link untuk akses kantor virtual tersebut. Tak seberapa lama, salah satu anak development pun langsung bikin kantor virtual yang bisa include permainan yang bisa dimainkan bersama. Situs kantor virtual tersebut adalah Gather. Di sini tuh kita serasa lagi di kantor beneran gitu. Ada meja kerja, ada ruang meeting, ada pantri, dan lain-lain yang masing-masing komponennya bisa disesuaikan. Terus bisa berinteraksi langsung dengan masing-masing orang seperti di dunia nyata. Pernah dong ya kalo kita butuh sesuatu, kita akan pergi ke meja kerja orang tersebut dan ajak ngobrol. Selama work from home, yang dilakukan adalah chat orang tersebut via WA atau kalau butuh cepat ya telpon orangnya langsung. Nah via kantor virtual ini, kita tinggal menggerakkan avatar kita ke meja tempat avatar orang yang mau kita ajak ngobrol. Terus tinggal klik tombol ring atau 'halo-halo' aja sampai orang tersebut respon. Tentunya untuk join Gather ini ya harus selalu ada di dalam Gather yak (buka terus situsnya).

Awalnya kantor virtual dibuat seadanya saja. Yang penting ada ruang kerja, ruang meeting, ruang sosial (isinya ada beberapa permainan gitu), toilet, pantri, dan ruang meeting besar untuk keperluan Town Hall. Eh di akhir pekan kemarin, dua orang tim development ngide gitu untuk renovasi total kantor virtual yang lama. Kini kantor virtual kami sungguh keren!

Ada area outdoor yang isinya lapangan bola, camp-camp unyu, gazebo, dan ayunan. Lalu ada area cafe yang uniknya tiap masuk ke area ini, bisa denger efek suara cafe gitu. Dentingan cangkir, samar-samar percakapan orang, suara kopi diseduh, lucu kan? Ada juga beberapa ruang meeting yang kini lebih banyak ruangannya ketimbang kantor yang sebelumnya. Malah ada satu ruang meeting yang didesain seperti ruang komando gitu. Desain yang unik.

Kantor Virtual
Area Outdoor

Tentu saja tetap ada ruang sosial dengan berisi panggung mini di pojok kanannya. Di situ pun ada megaphone yang bisa digunakan untuk memberikan pengumuman central kaya di mall gitu loh. Jadi semua orang bisa denger. Fitur megaphone ini juga ada di area lobi. Berasa kaya kantor beneran kan? Oia, ada toilet dan juga mushola. Jadi kalau ada avatar yang nangkring di kedua ruangan tersebut, kalian tentu tau kan mereka sedang apa. Hehe.

Yang paling keren, ruang aula besar benar-benar didesain seperti auditorium gitu. Desain kursinya kaya kursi bioskop gitu. Tentunya kapasitasnya besar supaya bisa muat seluruh karyawan. Untuk masuk ke sini pun kami seperti masuk ke page berbeda dari kantor biasanya. Istilahnya kaya masuk ke situs lain dari situs sebelumnya. Mungkin biar ga berat aksesnya kali ya kalau semua numplek di satu page. *Abaikan pembahasan IT so tau gw

Kafe MM

Tanggal 15 Februari jam 08.53 WIB aku mendapat surat elektronik (email) dari mas Anton, pemilik banyak blog, salah satunya blog Maniak Menulis yang super kece. Isi email tersebut adalah undangan untuk bergabung ke dalam Kafe MM. Kafe MM ini adalah forum bagi para blogger berkumpul dan berkomunikasi. Rasanya senang banget dapat undangan ini. Berasa dapat undangan dari artis gitu. HAHAHA. Kaget dan happy sekaligus. Ga pake babibu, langsung saja aku meluncur dan meramaikan Kafe MM tersebut. Sumpil mas Anton keren bener bisa ciptain forum dalam blognya. Aku sih sudah pusing tujuh keliling ngatur-ngatur tampilan blogku. Eh mas Anton one step ahead dengan membuat fitur forum dalam blognya. Ajib kan?!

Sesuai namanya, Kafe MM, ini adalah tempat untuk setiap orang kongkow santai dengan teman-teman. At least itu kan yang kalian lakukan kalau pergi ke kafe? Tujuan didirikan Kafe MM ini menurutku adalah sebagai tempat nongkrong para maniak menulis, membaca, menonton, dan memotret. *hasil baca dari kalimat sambutan saat masuk ke Kafe MM. Nah sesuai dengan tujuannya tersebut, isi Kafe MM ini ada:

  • Teras MM, untuk seorang blogger memperkenalkan dirinya sekaligus blognya.
  • Ruang Intip, untuk seorang blogger memberikan sneakpeak bagi tulisan terbaru atau yang ingin dibagikan.
  • Ruang Serius, untuk saling berbagi pengetahuan tentang blogging.
  • Ruang Gaoel, untuk ngobrol santai dengan anggota lain.
  • Info Lomba & Giveaway, untuk seorang blogger yang mengadakan giveaway dan bisa memajang informasinya di bagian ini.
  • Bilik Pustaka, tempat membahas atau mempromosikan buku.
  • Bilik Film dan Sinetron, ruang untuk bahas perfilman.
  • Ruang Motret, ruang untuk berbagi tips dan trik fotografi atau memotret.
  • Mading (Majalah Dinding), tempat untuk memajang informasi & berita seputar blog dan kawan blogger lain di sini, atau ajakan untuk ngumpul.
  • Info Job, ruang untuk informasi job (baik content placement, review, sponsored post, dan sebagainya) bagi para member. Bisa disampaikan oleh pemberi job atau pihak lain.
Isi dari Kafe MM ini bisa jadi akan terus bertambah seiring dengan berjalannya waktu dan bertambahnya anggota. Seru deh bisa berinteraksi dengan para blogger di sini. Yang belum join, ayo ikutan join ya! Mudah kok dan tanpa syarat ini itu. 

Ichi, ni, san. Oke sudah tiga nih aku sebutin hal-hal yang menurutku menyenangkan (berkat) selama bulan Februari ini. Sebenarnya masih ada lagi sih karena setelah dihitung-hitung, ternyata banyak juga ya berkat yang kuterima di bulan Februari ini. Jadi teringat dengan lagu Berkat Tuhan Mari Hitunglah. Kalau dihitung-hitung, jadi kagum oleh kasih-Nya.

Bila topan kras melanda hidupmu
bila putus asa dan letih lesu
Berkat Tuhan satu - satu hitunglah
kau niscaya kagum oleh kasih-Nya

Berkat Tuhan mari hitunglah
kau kan kagum oleh kasih-Nya
berkat Tuhan mari hitunglah
kau niscaya kagum oleh kasih-Nya

Bersyukur Itu Pilihan

Memasuki awal tahun pertanda memasuki juga musim penghujan. Entah mengapa yang seharusnya musim penghujan di bulan-bulan yang berakhiran "ber" (Oktober, September, November, Desember), entah mengapa beberapa tahun belakangan ini aku merasa puncak curah hujannya tuh di awal tahun. Masih ingat di tanggal 1 Januari 2020 halaman rumahku tergenang banjir karena debit hujan semalam yang supeeerr sekali. Yang berbeda, di awal Januari 2021, tidak hujan lebat seperti tahun lalu. Eh tapi tak disangka curah hujan tinggi terjadi di bulan Februari 2021 ini. Kali depan komplek rumahku sudah lebih tinggi daripada jalan raya. Untunglah ada tugu yang memang dibuat lebih tinggi dari jalan agar saat air kali banyak, masih bisa tertahan oleh tugu, tidak luber ke jalan alias jadi banjir. Tapi kalau masih hujan juga, bisa-bisa rumahku kebanjiran sih. Hmmm.

Kampung halamanku, Karawang, jaraaang sekali kena banjir. Khususnya ya daerah dekat tempat tinggalku. Tapi beberapa hari kemarin, aku dikejutkan oleh kiriman berita dari temanku yang memang tinggal di Karawang bahwa rumahnya kebanjiran hingga setinggi dada orang dewasa. Gila. Akses daerah pertokoan pun terendam banjir (daerah Kertabumi) dan listrik mati dari jam 4 sore hingga jam 9.30 malam. Luar biasa. Padahal daerah Kertabumi itu hitungannya ga pernah banjir. Hmm pernah sih sekali saat aku masih SD deh seingatku dan baru terjadi lagi kemarin.

Belum usai menghadapi pandemi Covid 19, eh sekarang harus menghadapi bencana banjir.

Seakan ketimpa bencana bertubi-tubi gitu kan? Di saat menghadapi hal-hal yang kurang mengenakan begitu, apakah masih ingat untuk bersyukur?

Bersyukur itu pilihan. Pilihan antara bersungut-sungut atau tetap memuji Tuhan dan bersyukur atas hal baik yang masih bisa kita terima.

Seperti nasihat Paulus kepada jemaat di Kolose

Hendaklah damai sejahtera Kristus memerintah dalam hatimu, karena untuk itulah kamu telah dipanggil menjadi satu tubuh. Dan bersyukurlah. (Kolose 3:15)

Di saat keadaan terjepit, tetaplah untuk mengucap syukur. Ya mengucap syukurlah setiap saat karena

Rasa syukur adalah bunga terindah yang membuncah dari jiwa - Henry Ward Beecher

Akankah kamu memilih untuk bersyukur? *Pengingat untuk diri sendiri juga

Ngomong-ngomong, gambar untuk post ini agak kurang nyambung ya hihihi. Ada yang tau ga itu karakter siapa??? πŸ˜†

Series Review: Million Joe (2019)

Finally, I finished watch this Japanese Series!!! πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³ Thanks to Atie Zieya that give me the link to access this dorama (yeah it's difficult to search website to streaming this dorama) and of course for her review about this series so I want to watch this too. Kayanya hampir semua dorama Jepang atau tontonanku tuh diracunin sama Atie deh. πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜† Habis memang tontonan Atie ini menarik-menarik siiih hehehe

Sumber: asianwiki

Million Joe - γƒŸγƒͺγ‚ͺンジョー



Hideo SakakiKeisuke Shibata



Ryoji Toguchi (manga), Iroha Ichimaru (manga), Yosuke Masaike



TV Tokyo

Jenis Film


Drama, Adventure

Total Episode


12 episode

Tanggal Rilis


10 Oktober – 26 Desember2019

Cast - γƒŸγƒͺγ‚ͺンジョー

Sumber: asianwiki

Sinopsis Million Joe - γƒŸγƒͺγ‚ͺンジョー

Soichi Kurei (Hiromitsu Kitayama) adalah editor komik terkenal karya Tsuneo Magata (Masaki Miura) berjudul Million Joe. Komik Million Joe ini terbit mingguan dalam majalah komik Glory dan selalu ditunggu-tunggu penggemarnya yang setia. Saat Kurei datang ke rumah Magata-sensei untuk mengambil manuskrip yang akan dicetak esok hari, Kurei kaget karena menemukan Magata-sensei telah wafat di ruang kerjanya. Magata-sensei tiba-tiba meninggal karena serangan jantung. Awalnya Kurei ingin melaporkan kematian Magata-sensei tapi ia merasa Million Joe harus diselesaikan. Apalagi Magata-sensei mati dengan memegang sketsa Million Joe yang seperti anaknya tersebut. Kurei pun meyakinkan Ryota Terashi (Masato Hagiwara), asisten kepala dari Magata-sensei untuk menyembunyikan kematian Magata-sensei dan meneruskan komik Million Joe. Akankan rencana Kurei berjalan lancar?

Review Million Joe - γƒŸγƒͺγ‚ͺンジョー

Pada awal episodenya, aku tuh gemes banget sama tingkahnya Kurei!!! Yawlaa dia tuh editor slengean dan kaya setengah hati kerjanya. Sebagai editor komik terkenal kesayangan sejuta umat, bisa-bisanya dia ga pernah baca komiknya?! Terlalu. Terus aku juga salah fokus sama baju-bajunya Kurei. Sungguh colorful dan ceria gitu ya. Entah bajunya yang bunga-bunga atau celananya yang bunga-bunga. Tuh contohnya di cover series ini, Kurei lagi mengenakan kemeja merah dengan motif yang meriah kan?

Untuk jalan cerita, menarik!!! Aku selalu dibuat penasaran. Terus satu episodenya tuh cukup singkat. Ga sampai satu jam. Jadi aku tuh suka nonton dua episode sekaligus sehari (bareng suami nontonnya). Padahal biasanya kalo nonton series tuh satu episode saja terus lanjut ke series lain. Tapi si Million Joe ini ending tiap episodenya suka bikin penasaran!!! Jadi aku selalu minta dilanjut aja nontonnya ke episode berikutnya πŸ˜

Meski begitu, progress nonton Million Joe ini cukup lambat. Aku mulai nonton di bulan Oktober 2020, tapi baru kelar KEMARIN. Iya kemarin. Padahal cuma 12 episode yang durasi satu episodenya kaya short movie gitu. Lambat banget kan nontonnya! Tapi ini bukan karena series ini membosankan ya! Tapi karena jadwal nontonku suka kepegat hal-hal lain. Sibuk gitu ceritanya. #plak πŸ˜…

Aku juga suka acting tiap tokoh di Million Joe ini. Kurei yang slengean, cerdik, banyak akal, tapi ternyata bisa serius juga kalau sudah punya kemauan. Terashi yang "parnoan", ga percaya diri, tapi akhirnya dia bisa juga untuk bikin karakter baru di komik Million Joe. Sebagai seorang kepala asisten komikus, tentu hal ini bukan hal yang mudah kan? Wong cuma asisten yang biasanya cuma ikutin sketsa yang sudah ada, eh tiba-tiba ketimpaan kerjaan disuruh bikin karakter baru. Kaoru Kishimoto (Motoki Fukami) yang uda kaya yakuza, sangar tapi suka masak. Lucu banget liat Kishimoto pake celemek terus masak tiap hari buat Kurei dan kawan-kawan. Koji Sato (Kazuki Nagano) sebagai Magata-sensei gadungan, si ceroboh, bodoh, dan "tak berguna". Sumpeh aku gregetan banget lah sama tindakan si Sato!! Terutama pas bagian dia bertugas sebar-sebarin kartu pos. Bukannya sebarin yang bener, malah asal-asalan kirim kartu pos (ditumplek semua di satu kotak pos). Eh tapi aku ga nyangka juga dia bisa nipu para petugas bank saat narik uang atas nama Magata-sensei. Terus si Mai Moriaki (Yui Imaizumi), sumpeh creepy abis!!! Suka banget pas bagian dia "ngancam" Kurei dengan nunjukin foto "anak anjing" ke Kurei. Duuuh ekspresinya luar biasa lah si Kurei dan Moriaki.

Buat ost dari Million Joe judulnya Edge of Days dinyanyikan oleh Kis-My-Ft2. Pas browsing dan nonton video clip-nya.... Laaaah ternyata si Kurei ini salah satu member dari Kis-My- Ft2, bahkan bukan cuma member, dia tuh ketuanya!! Ommo, aku bisa ditimpukin penggemarnya Kis-My-Ft2 nih. πŸ˜†

Sumber: aramajapan.com

Meski ga terlalu bikin terngiang-ngiang kaya Sayonara Elegy-nya Masaki Suda, tapi lagu Edge of Days ini cukup membekas kok di kepalaku. 😍

Untuk ending dari series ini sih buatku kurang nampol ya. Padahal klimaksnya sudah oke tuh ya. Tapi kaya masih menimbulkan pertanyaan-pertanyaan gitu dibenakku. But overall I really enjoy watch this series.

Aku tengok ke IMDb, ternyata doi kaga kasih rating untuk series ini. Kalau aku sendiri akan kasih rating 8 untuk series ini. Ceritanya seru, bikin penasaran, menghibur, acting parah tokohnya juga sukaa. Tiap tokoh benar-benar punya karakteristiknya tersendiri. Meski memang kadang agak lebay gimana gitu ya. Lebay tipikal dorama Jepang gitu. Tapi tenaaang, masih lebih lebay dorama Mr. Hiiragi's Homeroom sih menurutku.


Day 15 - Where am I in 10 Years?

Finally, last day for 15 Days Writing Challenge. πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³

Where am I in 10 years? This question is like the question for job's interview. πŸ€£ But actually, first time I get this such of question when I do the matriculation in college. They taught me to have a vision and mission in life. So they said that I must set my vision-mission and goal for my life. That time, I just write down that in 10 years, I will be work in company. I think this dream already come true. πŸ˜… Yes, right now I work in a start up company but work at home.

So, if I need to answer this question again. I think in 10 years I will be a mother for two children. πŸ˜‡ Beside I will still run a business that will give me passive income. Before I wish to have assets that can give me money. πŸ˜† I hope money that will work for me, not me anymore that work to get money. Amen.

Speaking of place, I think in 10 years I still live in Jakarta. But I still have a hope to stay in Bandung or in Bali, finger crossed 🀞. 

Day 14 - My Changes in 2 Years

My changes in 2 years. So I will compare to myself in 2019 and myself in 2021 then.


I become fat πŸ˜… Oh my... I think I gain weight around 2 kg. Huft. Since I work from home from mid March 2020 till now, I just stay at home and 'sometimes' do exercise. While when I work from office, I can 'exercise' everyday (on weekdays I mean) because I need to struggle on Jakarta's public transportation and I always walk to my office from busway stop (around 800 m) every morning. My step always greater than 3,000 steps everyday. Right now my step always under 3,000 step. Ommo. πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£ such a decline... I need to work out diligently to get my normal body's weight. πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ


I still single until mid of Oct 2019. Right now my status changes to married. πŸ’ Because right now I'm a wife, so I live with my hubby in Jakarta. 


I got rolling position this year from risk and compliance to project management. Quite different right? πŸ˜… Actually my background is from Industrial Engineering and it's more fit in management rather that risk and compliance (actually I also a data analyst in this company). So I think this year I move back on track to my education's background. πŸ˜† Plus my salary higher than 2019 πŸ₯°

Personal Laptop

Because I join a start up company, in 2019 I still used my own laptop. Since the company growth well, I can get my personal laptop from company last year. From ASUS (my own laptop) to LENOVO (company's laptop). This laptop is faster and more convenient than my laptop. Especially when I need to calculate big data in excel or make a report on power point.  πŸ˜…

Skin Care

I never use face serum in 2019 but right now I think it's important to use serum as my daily skin care. Right now I use Hydrabio Serum from Bioderma. But I decline in using face toner. In 2019 I always used face toner but right now I become lazy. Oh I change my face toner from Acnes Oil Control toner to Secret Key Black Out Pore Clean toner.


I never drink any supplement or vitamin to boost my immune system in 2019. I rather drink vitamin C or Imboost Force if I feel not good in my body. Right now I always drink one spoonful of honey every morning. I buy clover honey or manuka honey from Hilarry Farm. But right now I only buy clover honey because my hubby prefer clover honey than manuka honey. He said clover honey taste better than manuka honey. πŸ€£ So picky.

Japanese Skill

Yes I can say my Japanese skill is better than 2019. I studied diligently to master N4. But I think I still lack of it because laziness virus got me πŸ˜–πŸ˜–

Driving Skill

I got my driving license on 2019 but almost never drive a car on 2019 πŸ˜…. Right now I almost always drive a car from Jakarta-Karawang because Mr. Q ask me to drive πŸ˜… Yeah, practice makes perfect. So my driving skill will be better this year.

I think that's my changes in 2 years.

Day 13 - 5 Things I Hope to Have in Future

5 things I hope to have in the future:


I want to have my own house and decorate it to make my dream room come true πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ Right now, I can't afford to buy a house in Jakarta. Yeah it's so expensive πŸ˜©πŸ˜©πŸ˜©

Beside from my own house, I wish I have another asset to make passive income for me. Maybe like kos-kosan (boarding house) near university area. Especially in Bandung! I wish I can have property in Bandung too, so when I visit that city, I can stay in my own property and enjoy Bandung for awhile. Maybe villa is a good choice for me. OMG, too many wishes hahaha πŸ˜…


I wish to have a child or children. I think right now I'm not ready enough to raise a child. So in the future, I wish to have my own child in the right time (have enough savings to raise a kid).

Get Paid from Google AdSense

I start a blog because I like to write and I also register to AdSense to have a bonus money from this hobby. I know I'm not good enough to attract viewer to come to my blog. So I wish to have a good writing skill and still consistent to write and get paid from Google AdSense. πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜† This like a bonus for my hobby.

Japanese Skill

I wish to teach my child/children Japanese beside Indonesian of course. So I still learn to master this. I hope one day I can fluently speak Japanese and I can write and read too. πŸ™

Financial Freedom

Yeah I hope I have a financial freedom. Not anymore I work to make money but money that works for me. Hehehe

I think that's my 5 things I hope to have in the future. How about you?

Day 12 - Favorite Genre of Book

Ah laziness virus start to infected me. πŸ˜… Somehow I begin to lazy to write a post. That's why I didn't upload any post yet. 

Back to topic, right now day 12 from 15 Days Writing Challenge. Still 3 days to go. Fighting!!! πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ

My favorite genre of book... I like action, I like horror, yeah I like read horror book but I can't watch horror movie ✌️, I like drama or love story. My favorite book is manga (comic book) especially Detective Conan. I still buy this manga till now. 

Because the price of book become expensive year by year, I turn to read manga online from Webtoon. But yeah I still buy Detective Conan to support Aoyama Gosho (Detective Conan's writer) 🀣🀣🀣

My favorite manga in Webtoon Indonesia by genre:


  • The Secret of Angel (True Beauty) by Yaongyi
  • Suddenly, I Become a Princess by Plutus/Spoon
  • The Second Marriage by Alphatart/SUMPUL
  • The First Night with the Duke by MSG/Hwang DoTol
  • Pasutri Gaje by Annisa Nisfihani
  • Wendy the Florist by Bize/Sizh
  • Choco Latte by Ann (hiatus due to writer's health condition) 
  • Play, Pli by 2F
  • The Scandal by Teava/DOG
  • Touch Touch You by SonPang
  • I Raised a Beast by Teava/Yeoseulki
  • Uga Uga by Henie
  • Young Mom by Theterm
  • Infinite Sky by Rchella
  • I Love Yoo by Quimchee
  • Eggnoid by Archie The RedCat
  • Flawless by Shinshinhye
  • My Oppa is an Idol by Sungeun
  • Aku dan Para Mantan by Hada/smilingsun (web novel)
There's more but this list is still on my reading list.


  • How to Fight by Taejoon Park/Kim Junghyun
  • Lookism by Taejoon Park
  • Study Group by Hyungwook Shin/Seungyeon Ryu
  • Change by Jinone (it's also has romance in the story)


  • Ghost's Wife by Se Jeong
  • Killstagram by Ryoung
  • Stranger from Hell by Kimyongki
  • Gloomy Sunday by Fankycon
  • Ghost Teller by QTT
  • Bastard by Kimcarnby/Youngchan Hwang

If I see the list, you can tell that my favorite genre is romance, right? πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£ 

Day 11 - Favorite Quotes

My favorite quotes are simply on the Bible. First I already share in my post about If I am Rich. So if you already read and remember, yup, the quote is from Paul to Timothy:

For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

Source: itsamoneything

Another quote still from Paul

And whatsoever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men.

This two quotes that always in my mind and I always try to do that in my life. πŸ˜

That's for today. I know I write a short post about this πŸ˜… I don't have any idea to write in the long post.

So, how about you? What is your favorite quotes?

Day 10 - My Dream Room

Ah this is a difficult question for me, because I never design my own room πŸ˜…. So I never imagine how my dream room is. Hmm, if I force to think about this, I think I would love a room with minimalism design with navy blue color combine with sky blue. Yes I love blue!!! πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™

Maybe it will look like this:

Source: roomdsign.com
Source: Artmakehome

For the wardrobe closet, I choose with a lot of hanger spaces. Unfortunately, my current wardrobe closet has a lot of clothes rack. πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜… 

Of course my dream room also have a dressing table with white light around it. This light can make easier to do the make up πŸ˜

That's my dream room and thank you for reading this πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

Day 09 - How Important The Education for Me

As I said before in Day 05 about what will I do if I am rich, I said that I concern about education. For me education is important. You will have a good decision (especially in life’s problem), if you also have good education. I read Lookism (Korean comic) on Webtoon and there’s story about a boy that didn’t go to school. His education was only till 4rd grade (as I remember) and he has been abandoned by his “parent”. First he has mother and father but his mother runaway because his father always hit her (KDRT ceritanye). Then his father married again so he has step mother who didn’t love him. Until his father pass away and her mother don’t want to take care of him anymore. So that little boy alone in the street and try to survive. Long story short, without education, he can’t speak properly and life with instinct like animal. His dream was to go to school. That’s why in the story, he really want to wear uniform and go to school. 😭😭😭

Another case, I think people with low education can be sway easily. Easily believe hoax without check the source or the logic about it. And without education, there’s no technology. Transportation technology, information technology, industrial, and so on will never exist.

So yeah, education is important for me. This also the reason why I want to go to university after graduate from high school. I think education from school is not enough for me and nowadays you will have a better job and better salary if you have higher education right? πŸ˜ƒ 

Day 08 - My Fashion Style

I think my fashion style is quite simple. Not make everyone amaze and compliment my fashion. πŸ˜‚ But sometimes I think everyone will see me quite old with fashion. Yeah I don't quite follow fashion trend. Even I still wear my college t-shirt this days. πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ

FYI, in college, I usually wear t-shirt with jeans or slim-fit pants. Start to wear shirt if I need to attend formal occasion. When I start the work life, I try to buy clothes with semi-formal shirt and blouse. Still with my slim-fit pants from college and some of new formal pants.

Then pandemic start in Indonesia and my company start the "work from home" regulation. So right now, I back to wear t-shirt or polo all days πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜… Sometimes with short pants from Bali (seriously this kind of fabric so good!!!), sometimes with long sport pants so after work I can immediately work out or exercise πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£

My Kind of Outfit

If you want to know my fashion style to choose blouse, you can check N.y.L.a Official Shop or This is April Official Shop. I love their style, especially with blue color. πŸ˜πŸ˜ I also like simple dress, you can check eclaireshop in Shopee as reference. 

For sleepwear, I love to wear t-shirt but right now try to wear night gown (daster). Check this post about Sleepwear (but written in Indonesian).

 BTW, I also want to wear crop top, but I'm not confident to wear that kind of style. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

How about your fashion style?

Day 07 - Obsession - Hobby - Passion

Obsession (noun)

having or showing excessive or compulsive concern with something (vocabulary.com).

Talk about obsession, what is my obsession? Hmm.. Honestly I think I'm not obsess with anything. πŸ˜†πŸ˜† Someone said that anything that over is not good. So I try to stay in balance. Ceileh so iye banget ya. But if I need to answer about my obsession, I think my obsession is Studio Ghibli, especially Totoro.

Once again, I ask my hubby about his obsession. He stop a moment to think with his serious face and begin to answer "Want a new wife" and start smiling with his annoying smile. And again I quickly grab his neck and choke him again and laugh together. OMG!!! Why does he always want a new wife???? πŸ˜«πŸ˜«πŸ˜« Is he not happy with me? *don't take this seriously*

Hobby (noun)

an activity that you do in your spare time for fun (vocabulary.com).

My hobby except writing my blog (yeah I shift my hobby to writing blog lately) are playing game. Either mobile game or board game or playing Duolingo πŸ€© (yup playing Duolingo because this apps kind like a game for me).

For mobile game, I like to play The Simpson Tapped Out (I play this game since college) and battle arena game (Arena of Valor, Marvel Super War, Mobile Legend). I used to play RPG games in high school (Luna, Perfect World, Seal, Master of Fantasy), but right now this kind of game make me boring. FYI, I play Master of Fantasy in High School with my friends and my sis. Even my friend can earn some money from this game. But suddenly this game was closed for good. I kind of sad because this game was closed.

For board game, I play a lot of board game because my hubby kind of obsess with board games. He collect a lot of board games (or card game) like Bohnanza, Bang!, Saboteur, Splendor, Machikoro, Rising Sun, Scythe, Dead of Winter, and many more. He put his board games in two archive cupboards. Can you imagine how many board games that he have been collected? πŸ₯Ί I like to play a fun games like Machikoro and Carcassonne. But I also like strategic games like Rising Sun, Catan, Castle of Burgundy, Yokohama, and so on. I and my hubby often play board game with our college's friend. FYI, I and him were from same college and same major so my friends were also his friends. But during this pandemic, we cannot gather to play board games anymore. So we play board games when we go to my house in Karawang, play with my sis. Hehe. πŸ˜†

For Duolingo, I like to play Japanese course. Everyday I play Duolingo to protect my streak. LOL. I even buy Streak Freeze in case I forget to play Duolingo, so I protect my streak. Psst, right now I have 179 day streak and I'm in Diamond League. Kind of proud of myself. πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

Passion (noun)

a strong feeling or emotion - a strong emotion, usually related to love or anger (vocabulary.com).

Hmm passion. This topic kind of "hits" or popular this days. People talk about to find a job according to your passion. How happy the life is to earn money from your passion. But is it true? Ah, I think I don't want to talk about this. πŸ˜…

Same with obsession. I feel like freeze for awhile if people ask me about my passion. "What is your passion? Do you like to work in this section?"

Once again, as a sanguine, I see work or something positively. I think there's always a good input for me and I can learn something from the work that has been given to me. But if I think deeply, I think my passion is ... Maybe you can answer it for me πŸ€ͺ

Day 06 - Difficult Time in My Life

As a sanguine, I never feel a rock bottom. I try to always positive and there's always hope or way to achieve that. But I think, my difficult time is when I pursue my degree. I want to study in college which is move far away from my hometown. Far from parents and friends. I feel like being in a ship that was swayed by the hard waves. You can read my story about this here.

Another difficult time for me was when I took care Daddy to fight his sickness. Yeah, last year, twenty twenty hit me so hard.  Beside from Covid 19 that appear in Indonesia (mid of March), my father has pancreas cancer with advanced stage. Damn!! When I hear Daddy's voice on the phone that said he has cancer, I speechless and I don't know what to do. My tears start to fall. I run to my room and cry out loud there. I still remember his voice on my head when he said that. His voice was tremble. I can imagine that he was really shock and want to cry but he hold it.

I try to be positive that he can still live longer. Took him to hospital to get medication. I know it's hard because the doctor said that he can't be cure but the doctor try to medicate him. I still have hope and I think God want to see my faith in Him. If I have faith, I know God can give a miracle for my family.

On March 28th 2020, dad went to hospital and was diagnose with pancreas cancer. Have first chemotherapy on April 3rd 2020 until April 5th 2020, he discharged from the hospital. But went back again on April 7th 2020 to change bandage on his stomach. Suddenly, on April 9th 2020 his condition was drop. We ran quickly to hospital and he has internal bleeding and need took care in ICU. Worse part was when they roentgen his lung, there's bubble in his lung and the doctor diagnose that my father was infected by Covid. So he need ICU isolation for his treatment room. I, my sis, and my mom can't enter that room during his treatment in ICU. Until April 12th 2020, on Easter day, my dad passed away in ICU. Right before that, I still celebrate Easter in virtual with tears upon worship Him and pray that God will give me a miracle to cure my dad. On 3 p.m. that day, God answer my pray with call my dad back home in Heaven. I know God love my father, so right now he rest in peace. πŸ™‚ Love you always Dad.

Day 05 - If I am Rich, I will...

If you have a magic lamp like Aladdin, what is your wish? I think most people want to become rich. And after you become rich, what will you do? πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°

I shout out a quick question about this to my hubby. You know what, he said that he want a new wife!!! πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’ Quickly I grab his neck and begin to choke him πŸ˜€

Ok, forget about his joke πŸ˜’, back to serious mode. When I read the topic of 15 Days Writing Challenge. I don't know why, I don't like this topic. But I need to answer this, so if I am rich, I think I will make a nonprofit foundation to help children pursue a good education. I think education is very important to have a good generation. So I will make a foundation for that.

I adore every philanthropists that help fighting poverty, feed the hunger (like Mission Division on my campus), and help develop country. They are rich and still want to share their wealth with others.

One thing for sure I don't want to become rich that place my heart to my wealth.

And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. - Matthew 19:24

Riches can become a serious stumbling block to a person seeking eternal life. If you love money, you forget God that give you His blessing everyday.

Sumber: freepik

No, I don't want to look religious here. I just want to share about this, like Paul once said:

For we came into the world with nothing, and we are not able to take anything out; But if we have food and a roof over us, let that be enough. But those who have a desire for wealth are falling into danger, and are taken as in a net by a number of foolish and damaging desires, through which men are overtaken by death and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all evil: and some whose hearts were fixed on it have been turned away from the faith, and been wounded with unnumbered sorrows. - 1 Timothy 6:7-10

Yup, I agree that the love of money is a root of all evil. This words always in my mind to prevent me become the servant of money. So, I hope I always have focus on God and be happy with enough food and a roof over me.  But, if there's a free food (or gift) for me, why not? πŸ˜œπŸ˜œ Ones said,"Jangan nolak rejeki".

Day 04 - My Routine Before Go to Bed

Before I Sleep

I always check on my phone before I go to bed. I think nowadays people do this as their daily routine? πŸ˜‚ Usually I check my Whatsapp is there any important message or not, check also my Insta to see my friends stories πŸ˜† Oh, if I don’t finish my Duolingo course that day, I will play Duolingo until I reach my daily EXP. I must complete Duolingo course if I don’t want to loose streak. Yes, I’m a bit ambitious about this πŸ˜‚ FYI, right now I have 176 day streak!!! πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯Funny fact, I almost fell asleep when I play Duolingo πŸ˜‚ But still I try to focus to study Japanese in Duolingo.

Another routine, I also watch series with hubby, but lately I didn’t do that. Exactly 1 week I’m not watching any series. The reason is because I play MOBA game on the phone and my hubby play game on his PC. πŸ˜‚ 

Sometimes, I fill on my habit tracker on my journal and check what habit that I missed today... hehe.

Finally, my final step is pray to God to have a good night and sweet dream. Pray for health and give thank to God to give me bless each days. Plus hope this pandemic will over soon. Lastly, I said γŠδΌ‘γΏγͺさい (oyasuminasai/good night) to hubby.

What’s your?? I bet you also check your phone before go to sleep. πŸ˜‰