January till March Bullet Journal Cover
Cukup sudah dengan berita-berita tentang Corona ini. Aku cuma bisa berdoa semoga penyebarannya ga semakin parah dan bisa tertangani. Amin. Nah untuk pos kali ini aku mau ceritain tentang jurnal yang kubuat di tahun 2020 penuh tragedi ini...Ya kenapa kubilang penuh tragedi?? Karena di awal tahun saja aku sudah dibuat syok dengan adanya bencana banjir yang melanda kota Jakarta dan sekitarnya. Eh sekarang terjadi pandemi Corona yang belum ada obatnya. Belum lagi dampaknya membuat rupiah begitu lemah sehingga menjadi mata uang terlemah di Asia dengan menyentuh angka Rp 15.000 per satu dollar US-nya. Benar-benar tahun yang penuh tragedi ya. Padahal baru saja berjalan selama dua bulan setengah. Tapi kok kondisinya gini-gini amat ya. Hmm. 😖
My January Bullet Journal Cover
January Bullet Journal Cover |
For my January Cover, I use a dream catcher theme. I got this inspiration of drawing from Pinterest. Really Pinterest can give me so many inspirations for my journal. Why I choose dream catcher as my theme...probably because I like the meaning of dream catcher. I hope for the bad things go away and keep the good things in my life. FYI, I decorated my January journal with the same theme. I used lavender or lilac color in a whole month.
My February Bullet Journal Cover
February Bullet Journal Cover |
As you know, some people said that February is a love month because 14th February is a valentine. Even though this year I do not celebrate valentine by giving chocolate to my love one or my friends, I still want to celebrate it with my journal cover theme with love. Love identical with red color or pink. So I would like to choose rose as my February bullet journal cover. Again, I got design for my February cover from Pinterest. There're so many idea for bullet journal design cover there. 🤩🤩
For February, I used red and green color to decorate whole month.
My March Bullet Journal Cover
March Bullet Journal Cover |
March identical to spring time where flower begin to bloom and tree grow its leaves. I want to design my March journal cover with colorful color, so I choose blue, orange, red, lavender, yellow, and green. I love it so much! Beside the coloring for blue flower is bad...but it's an art so I still look good. Hahaha just try to positive thinking here. In march, I use orange, blue, and green marker to fill my habit tracker and daily log.
FYI, I always make monthly log to track personal and work life. In personal life, I fill it to remember my relative's birthday, events, or anything about my life in a month. In work life, I fill with meeting schedule, work event like WFH, my work leave, or anything about my work life.
Next from monthly log, I make habit tracker to track my habit such as read Bible, washed hair, change bed sheet, cleaning room, exercise, eat medicine, eat vitamin, read book, and so on about habit that I want to track.
Usually I make sleep tracker, but for this year, I don't want to do that anymore because my journal not meet my expectation. I mean, the sheet paper is like novel paper. When use watercolor marker it make a ghost marker. Separation between dotted line is so long not like my old journal. So I think it's not fit to make a sleep tracker in this journal.
After habit tracker, I make daily log. Not everyday I write my daily log, just for a date that I think it's important to fill in the journal.
Yup, that's it about my journal! Hope you enjoy to read this and if you also make a cover like mine, please share with me by tag me on Instagram @furisukabo or post a picture in the comment. 😘
Sekarang malah rupiah makin tak berdaya, sudah menyentuh 16.700 dan dampaknya langsung terasa, harga tempe dan tahu naik lumayan drastis. Tempe yang tadinya 4000 sekarang jadi 6000.
ReplyDeleteUntuk journal nya saya kurang paham bahasa Inggris, jadi mohon maaf tidak bisa komentar sesuai artikel.😂
Iyaaa makin anjlok rupiahnyaaa 😔
DeleteOiaa? Jadi naik ya bahan bakuuu...hmm berarti masih kebanyakan impor kalo bahan bakunya naik huhu
Mungkin dr sini jadi bisa belajar juga buat gunain produk dlm negri seluruhnya yaa dan tentunya gimana caranya supaya harganya ttp murah
Gpp kok ga komentarin soal jurnalnya hihi
Uda makasih karena mau baca dan mampir 😆
Sekarang hampir mendekati 17 ribu malah, aku khawatir industri yang menggantung bahan impor bisa gulung tikar. Kalo seperti ini akan banyak pengangguran.😔
DeleteOh cocoknya komentar 'nyimak mbak' atau 'nice post' gitu ya.🤣
iya niiihh.. cuma bisa berdoaaa
Deletehahaa bener bgt gan!😜
oke sepertinya hasil WFh nya keren mba, bsa kreatif biikin cover nya bagus gitu hehe
ReplyDeleteHahaha sbnrnya covernya kubikin sblm ada wfh sih...tapi emg si wfh jadi bikin punya waktu senggang lebih banyak karena biasanya waktuku habis fi transpot haha
DeleteLucu banget kaak, aku suka sama yang dreamcatcher. btw pinterest memang surga segala macam ide, tiap iseng nyari ide selalu kalap buat liat yang lain terus.
ReplyDeleteMakasiiih say 😃
DeleteIya betull pinterest ngasi ide kreatif segudaang hehe
Ati2 jadi wasting time di pinterest hehe