The Legend 7: Fantasy & Heroes by Trust Orchestra

Photo by Vienna Reyes on Unsplash

Jujur saja ya, aku ini bukan tipe yang suka sering nonton konser atau pertunjukan gitu. Bahkan aku ga pernah ikut nonton konser sama sekali seumur hidup ini... sampai akhirnya aku penasaran karena terinspirasi oleh temanku yang suka nonton konser orchestra. Yes orchestra. Aku penasaran saja untuk nonton pertunjukan alat-alat musik yang dipadukan hingga memberikan harmoni musik yang begitu bagus. Nah karena dia juga aku jadi dapat info kalau akan ada pertunjukan The Legend 7: Fantasy & Heroes by Trust Orchestra. Sebelumnya, Trust Orchestra ini mengadakan konser dengan tema animasi (Ost. film-film Disney dan Studio Ghibli). Akh! Sayang sekali aku melewatkan hal itu. Sebagai fans Ghibli, aku merasa sedih karena ga bisa menyaksikan pertunjukan tersebut #lebay

Nah jadi nanti tanggal 2 November 2019 (iya minggu ini), Trust Orchestra akan membawakan soundtrack dari film Star Wars, Games of Thrones, Harry Potter, Pirates of the Caribbean, Superman, Wonder Woman, Final Fantasi, Lord of The Rings, dan lain-lain. Langsung saja tuh di bulan April kuajak teman-temanku supaya ikutan nonton ini. Tentunya si Q yang sekarang sudah berstatus ehem suami, kuajak dengan paksa. HAHAHA #evillaugh

Puji Tuhan ya temanku si Je tertarik untuk nonton The Legend 7: Fantasy & Heroes by Trust Orchestra ini. Kata Je sih temannya salah satu pemusik di Trust Orchestra. Wuih kaka Je ini relasinya luar biasa ya... Terus si K3 juga ikutan beli juga. Jadilah kami berempat akan menghadiri pertunjukan orchestra di akhir pekan nanti. Dari pihak Trust Orchestra sih mengajak para penontonnya untuk hadir dengan mengenakan dress code Fantasy and Heroes Theme. Tapi sepertinya aku ga punya baju yang bisa sesuai dengan dress code tersebut.

Tunggu update berikutnya tentang The Legend 7: Fantasy & Heroes by Trust Orchestra ya! Ini konser pertama yang aku hadiri nih saudara-saudara! Jadi excited deh!!

Wedding: Hasil Cetak Kartu Undangan di CC Card

Photo by Kate Macate on Unsplash

Kartu undangan atau wedding invitation adalah salah satu perintilan dari persiapan nikah yang tak boleh dilupakan. Meski jaman sudah serba digital, tetap saja kartu undangan fisik masih digemari oleh beberapa calon manten. Contohnya ya aku. Pada pos sebelumnya aku mengulas tentang pengalamanku membuat kartu undangan di CC Card. Nah sekarang setelah kartu undangannya sudah jadi, kutambahkan kembali ulasannya.

Baca Juga: Review Bikin Undangan di CC Card

Jadi pada awalnya, aku buat dulu konsep design undangan yang kuinginkan itu seperti apa. Kira-kira begini nih gambar yang kukirim ke pihak CC Card. Kubuat dengan seadanya. Bahkan Pake paint deh atau pakai the power of PPT kali. Hahahha.

Sampai akhirnya jadilah design yang cantik dari CC Card seperti ini:

Beda ya hasil design amatir seadanya dengan design yang pro. Lebih elegan dan lebih cantik tentu hasilnya. Tentunya tulisan Rizky Setiady & Frisca Sutanto itu sudah Poly Emas dan timbul supaya lebih elegan. Kira-kira begini nih kalau dari dekat:

Foto itu diambil pakai kamera iPhone X dan di-crop supaya kelihatan seperti undangan. Maklum digitalnya beda kan sama aslinya. Nah pada pos sebelumnya kan aku tuh komplain karena hasil warna biru tuanya tidak sesuai dengan ekspetasiku. Pada waktu test print itu tuh sudah disesuaikan warna birunya mendekati ekpektasiku. Habis pas pertama kali cetak tuh birunya seperti warna biru di foto digital itu loh. Sendu. Aku ga suka, kaya sedih gitu warna birunya. Kurang ceria. #apasih Nah pas test print makanya kuminta supaya dibuat lebih gelap sampai sesuai lah dengan keinginanku.

Pas tanggal 3 atau 4 September itu akhirnya si K ambil undangan yang sudah jadi. Berhubung itu weekdays, jadi aku ga bisa lihat secara langusng. Baru bisa lihat pas weekend dan eng ing eng. Warna birunya kok balik lagi ke warna biru awal pas test print ya. Terus table card-nya beda-beda gitu warna birunya. Ga rata. Ya berhubung sudah jadi, ya sudah deh terima saja. Memang menjaga konsistensi hasil cetakan pasti sulit deh. Apalagi kalau adukan tinta pertama habis dan harus aduk tinta baru lagi. Pasti jadi beda kalau tidak profesional banget gitu. Itu sih yang ada di pikiranku.

Oh ya, berhubung pestaku itu table dinner, jadi aku dan K (plus mamake bantuin juga, lebih tepatnya sih banyakan K dan mama sih) 🀭harus kerja ekstra buat masukin table card, tempel label nama, dan bungkus plastik.  K bilang sih dia bahkan ngerjain sampai jam 1 subuh berdua sama mamake. Aku bantuin pas weekend dan cuma sampai jam 10 malem aja. 🀭🀭  Maapin yak ga bantu banyak πŸ™

Jadi, hasil cetak kartu undangan di CC Card itu bisa dibilang:
  1. Design elegan dan cantik, bahkan design-nya lebih bagus daripada design yang dikasih
  2. Responnya lambat, habis sampai bikin kesel follow up untuk finalisasi design
  3. Lama cetak lumayanlah. Test print 15Agustus, jadinya tanggal 3 September (nilai sendiri aja ini lama atau cepat)
  4. Kerataan warna agak kurang. Beda-beda untuk warna di table card. Tapi buat kartu undangannya sendiri sih okelah
  5. Harga affordable

A Complete One Day Itinerary Bali

No one will deny "pesona" of Bali. Many travelers, both national travelers or international travelers, went to Bali to explore culture, culinary, or to get vitamin sea. πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜† From mysterious temples called "pura" and beautiful beaches, Bali is everything you've ever imagined and it's not enough to go there once. There's quote "Bali will call you back". And that's true!! Once you go there, you want to come back again. At least that quote works for me.

One day in Bali might not be enough to satisfied you, but it shouldn’t stop you to giving it a try on a quick explore. Here is complete one day Bali itinerary from me.

What to do in Bali in 24 hours: A Complete One Day Itinerary

If you eat pork, Bali is one of the place that can satisfy you with the pork cuisine. You can start your journey by 9 or 10 a.m. I recommend you to stay in Seminyak area because this area close to delicious culinary places in Bali. If you don’t want to rent a car, you can use online taxi like Grab or Gojek. Just download the apps from Play Store of App Store and start using Grab or Gojek. I used online taxi while I was started this itinerary. It’s cheaper than rent a car but you must to wait the driver to pick you up. But it’s ok for me.

Warung Babi Guling Pak Malen

This place is a must to visit while you in Bali. You can order Nasi Campur Bali here and I really like the taste. Remember to visit this on Friday because “Kulit Babi” (pork skin) crispier on Friday. My online driver (while I went there) said they (Warung Pak Malen) grill pork skin on Thursday night, so on Friday the skin is crispier and so tasty. For 1 Nasi Campur you only to pay IDR 40.000 (price on Aug 2019). You can order additional pork skin if you like. I portion of pork skin is IDR 60.000.

Jalan Sunset Road No.554, Seminyak, Kuta, Badung
Bali 80361

+62 851-0045-2968

Mon – Sun : 8:30 AM – 6:30 PM

Warung Babi Guling Pak Malen
After fill your belly, next I recommend you to have a gelato.

RivaReno Gelato

First time, I went here on Nov’2018 and the shop just begin to operate. Because of it, the menu not complete yet. Thanks God, secondly I came here, I can taste so many unique flavors here. You can ask for tester before you buy the gelato. Oh and RivaReno is not only sell gelato, but you also can get sorbet here. I like pineapple flavor from RivaReno.

RivaReno Gelato Bali
You can take a good photo here because there’s so many instagramable photo spot and relax your mind and soul with gelato. But I recommend you to have a quick stop because next you must to catch up the performance of Balinese dancer in GWK.

Jl. Raya Petitenget No.3 Kerobokan, Seminyak, Kec. Kuta Utara, Kabupaten Badung,
Bali 80361

Mon – Sun : 9 AM – 12 AM

XL Size 3 flavors

Garuda Wisnu Kencana

Garuda Wisnu Kencana
I suggest you to buy Garuda Wisnu Kencana ticket online. I buy it from Traveloka and I got discount! Yeay. Here you can explore the culture of Bali. You can watch traditional dance and see the masterpiece, GWK Statue, that has a height of 121 meters with a width of 65 meters. There’s also a cinema about the story of Garuda Wisnu Kencana. Till 6 PM, you can watch Tari Kecak performance here. But while I went there, I get out at around 3 PM because I want to go to Kedonganan Fish Market to have seafood platter.

Jl. Raya Uluwatu, Ungasan, Kuta Selatan, Kabupaten Badung,
Bali 80364

Krisna Statue

After Bali Dance Performance

Kedonganan Fish Market

Everyone knows that at Jimbaran you can have seafood platter and eat it near the beach. So romantic vibe and nice ambience there but for the price… em..em.. no good (for me). If you want to try something new, you can go to Kedonganan Fish Market. There, you can hunt for the seafood that you want to eat, ask grilled fish services near the market, and enjoy! I bought 1 crab (70.000 IDR), ½ kg green clam (20.000 IDR), 2 fishes (70.000 IDR), plus grilled service IDR 20.000/kg. Total I spent around IDR 200.000 for seafood platter. Yeay!

If you go here before sunset, you can enjoy the food with sunset view. I can catch sunset view and play on the beach after enjoy the food. πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ

Jl. Pantai Kedonganan, Kedonganan, Kuta, Kabupaten Badung, Bali

Mon – Sun : 8 AM – 9 PM


As I said above, I recommend you to stay near Seminyak. So after go to Kedonganan, you can come back to Seminyak but visit Larissa first to buy some souvenirs. Larissa is one of the souvenir shop at Bali that sell so many souvenir and Bali snack with affordable price. Don’t forget to buy pork skin cracker (Kerupuk Kulit Rejeki) and pie susu Enaaaak ya! For fashion, there’s baju barong and kain bali.

Jalan Raya Kuta No.45B, Tuban, Kuta,Kabupaten Badung
Bali 80361

Mon – Sun : 9 AM – 10 PM

I think it's not enough to called it a day. there also another place to fill a one day itinerary Bali.

Warung Wahaha

You can enjoy a delicious pork ribs at Warung Wahaha after buy some souvenirs at Larissa. Actually, Warung Wahaha has 3 branches. One in Seminyak, one in Uluwatu, and one in Jimbaran. From Larissa, you can go to Seminyak branch and enjoy the pork ribs.

Jl. Sunset Road No.1689, Seminyak, Kuta, Kabupaten Badung,
Bali 80361

Motel Mexicola

Night still long. Last stop is Motel Mexicola in Seminyak, a place that you can dance and drink a nice cocktail. Also has instagramable spot here if you're not into dance. At afternoon, this place is a nice Mexican restaurant. But at night, it turn out to be a nice club to enjoy the party πŸ’ƒπŸ½πŸ’ƒπŸ½πŸ’ƒπŸ½

Jl. Kayu Jati Jl. Petitenget No.9X, Kerobokan Kelod, Kec. Kuta Utara, Kabupaten Badung,
Bali 80361

Ok, that's my one day itinerary Bali. It's important to think about your hotel location for making the most of your time in Bali. So please prepare it first! ^^